Line-up cards must be filled out for every game and a copy must be given to the Scorekeeper at least 10-15 minutes prior to the start of the game.
For bookkeeping purposes please record the required information in the following format:
o Manager Name, Division, Date, and Game Time
o Players LASTNAME, F initial
o Jersey # for all players
o Pitcher (1) and Catcher (2) positions must be recorded
o Missing, injured, or ineligible pitchers must be recorded on the bottom of the line-up card
Games played at Glenwood Little League:
HOME team is responsible for the OFFICIAL book
VISITOR team is responsible for the scoreboard
Games CANNOT start until the OFFICIAL book is covered
AWAY games at other league’s fields:
Their home team is the OFFICIAL book and they will likely cover the scoreboard too, although they may ask someone from your team to help.
YOUR TEAM MUST KEEP THEIR OWN BOOK. It won’t be the official book- but it must accurately reflect the OFFICIAL book.
NOTE: This is especially important if any of your players want to be ALL STARS. Without accurate books to review at the end of the season we won’t be able to determine player eligibility.
1. It’s helpful for the home plate umpire for communication purposes
2. There are less distractions so pitch counts, pitcher & catcher changes, and other important game details will be more accurate.
3. It’s also recommended that the scorekeepers from each team sit in the tower together. This allows them to act as a second set of eyes for each other and greatly improves the accuracy of the OFFICIAL book.
It’s best if each team has at least 2 volunteers that can keep score. If no one knows how, but is willing to learn, please have them reach out to [email protected]